Confirming I Am On The Right Path

Trail markers help confirm you’re on the correct path, especially when the path is not that obvious.

Jono Brake reflects on his hike in Zion National Park, Utah, specifically the West Rim Trail near Angel’s Landing. Jono shares his experience of tackling the hike after recovering from a foot injury, drawing parallels between trail markers in nature and business milestones.

The emphasis is on keeping trail markers in sight to navigate a physical trails, correlating it to a successful business journey.

Following are some thoughts gleaned from this time on the trail.

Milestones and Checkpoints

In business, milestones and checkpoints ensure progress and alignment with goals.

Repeatable Processes

The importance of following established paths, avoiding shortcuts is crucial for maintaining safety and achieving success. In business, sticking to established and repeatable processes ensures consistency and reliability both inside the business and for the client.

Focus and Strategy

When the path seems wide and open in business, the trail markers help maintain direction. It’s easy to get lost in vast, open spaces without clear direction. In business, maintaining focus and strategic direction is vital to avoid aimlessness and inefficiency.

So when the path is either unclear or wide open, the trail markers can really help you stay focussed, stay on track.

I’m Jonathan Brake (Jono) – Enjoy The Journey

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About The Thoughts From The Trails?

Thoughts From The Trails  is designed to get business owners and leaders thinking. Often we are told we need to strategize, we need to focus on the important but not urgent, take time out to think. The reality is, when we do this our minds are so full we have not trained ourselves well to stop and reflect. To help you make a discipline of this most valuable tool – your mind and its capacity to create success for you. There are two parts, one being the content like you see here, the other is our weekly 60 Second Question – to really help you home in on what you need to do next.

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