Authentic leadership isn’t just about showcasing your strengths—it’s about having the courage to face your shadows. But there’s an even more fundamental truth that many miss: you have to genuinely care.

Let me be brutally honest here: if you’re in a leadership position but don’t care about your people or your organization, get out of the kitchen. Leadership isn’t just about getting the job done. It’s not about merely hitting targets or meeting deadlines. Those are outcomes of good leadership, not its essence.

True authentic leadership requires:

  • Confronting your weaknesses alongside celebrating your strengths
  • Taking a hard look at your shadow side
  • Actually caring about the impact you have on others
  • Genuine investment in your team’s wellbeing
  • Deep commitment to your organization’s mission

If you’re struggling to care about your team or organization, that’s a red flag. But it’s not necessarily a character flaw—it might be a signal. Perhaps you’re in the wrong role. Maybe you’re leading the wrong team. Or possibly, you’re in an organization that doesn’t align with your values.

The solution isn’t to fake it. It’s not about learning to act like you care. Instead, it’s about having the courage to acknowledge the disconnect and make changes. Because authentic leadership isn’t a skill you develop—it’s a natural outcome of being in the right place, with the right people, doing work that matters to you.

Remember: You can’t lead authentically if you don’t authentically care.