As a leader, are you seeing the whole picture on your leadership? Leadership 360° will help.

Get the whole picture from your team with a facilitated leadership 360°

The Forged Leader 360° Leadership Assessment and Executive Coaching program provides powerful feedback to business owners and leaders to help them understand what they are doing well and where they have opportunities to grow, even when they think they’ve tried everything. By sourcing feedback from multiple perspectives, our 360° evaluation will provide tremendous value and create a comprehensive picture of your leadership.


Conduct a 360°


You get to hear unfiltered comments on your leadership style, what your team thinks of you and your leadership, and what they want to see from you.

Get Documented Feedback


Get a full documented report on your team’s feedback with a one to one follow up session with The Forged Leader to discuss recommendations and an
action plan.

Optional Executive Coaching


Have a Forged Leader coach come along side you and help you implement recommendations from the report. Sessions are twice per month initially for 6 months. 

Leadership 360° Features

  • Automated online assessments to increase confidentiality
  • Gather critical and confidential feedback from your team
  • An included action session online
  • Optional Executive Coaching for 6 months to work through feedback
  • Access for all participants to The Forged Mentor Community
  • Priority Access to The Forged Leader Strategy Retreats (Ongoing Coached Clients)

Trail Talk

A Blog About Leaders and Leadership

Join the conversation on the trails with Jono. It’s on the trails where the true conversations about life and strategy come out.

The Power of Purpose: How Your Personal Vision Creates Authentic Leadership

The Power of Purpose: How Your Personal Vision Creates Authentic Leadership

When we talk about authenticity in leadership, we often miss its true source: a deeply personal vision that guides everything we do. This isn't just about having goals – it's about understanding your own "big why" and being able to articulate it in a way that...

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The Trail Markers

The Trail Markers are for individuals and businesses alike to discover who they are and unpack what they need to do next.

The Trail Markers are  for individuals and businesses alike to discover who they are and unpack what they need to do next.

The Forged Leader Trail Markers are knowing your purpose, understanding the strategies and tactics needed, getting the right people around you, building robust and effective communication and creating repeatable processes for yourself and others to run with.

Just like on a trail, markers one and two are the most important.  The first trail marker tells us we are at the right trailhead, lays out the overall trail on a map or image and lets us know what to expect (purpose).

The second trail marker we find some way down the trail, a blaze, a sign, a landmark… this gives a second essential marker (strategy) to reinforce we are on the correct trail. Without these two critical markers the rest just does not make sense, and we may not even know if we are on the right trail or what to expect.

Trail markers three (people), four (communication) and five (repeatable processes) are constant reminders that we are on the right trail and should keep going, always checking in with trail markers one and two.