There are no good short cuts in business strategy. 

Thoughts From The Trails – July 4 2024.

The warning signs were on every significant switch back – and the evidence was there that it was needed. People cutting the trail to save a few feet. 

Granted the trail was tough ( more than 1000 ft over less than a mile), but the trail was well paved and there was no reason to cut except for laziness.

In fact to cut the trail you had to clamber up some making it even more strenuous (I imagine)  So when we think about the Trail Markers why is this analogy so important. 

The 5 Trail Markers – purpose, strategy, people, communication, repeatable processes are ordered for a reason and if you cut the trail you might miss one – like the right people – or documenting processes and improving your business.  The bottom line is that the markers are there for a reason, you define what they mean to you but they let you know you are on the right trail. So…. Don’t cut the trail! 

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I’m Jono Brake – Enjoy The Journey

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Why The Thoughts From The Trails?

Thoughts From The Trails  is designed to get business owners and leaders thinking. Often we are told we need to strategize, we need to focus on the important but not urgent, take time out to think. The reality is, when we do this our minds are so full we have not trained ourselves well to stop and reflect. To help you make a discipline of this most valuable tool – your mind and its capacity to create success for you.


Written by Jonathan Brake

Jonathan "Jono" Brake is an entrepreneur and mentor who helps business owners and leaders navigate their professional paths. Passionate about supporting leadership development, he created The Forged Mentor to offer entrepreneurs a platform of content and community. His core belief is that leaders don't have to face challenges in isolation, and meaningful support can make a significant difference in business growth.