Equip your next-level
leaders with the tools to
unlock their full potential.

Next Level Leaders: Boost Retention & Drive Business Growth

Prepare your leaders for long-term success with engaging, impactful leadership programs designed to enhance skills, boost retention, and fuel business growth. Offered in-house for teams of 7+ or through online public programs, we equip your team to thrive in today’s challenging business landscape.


Monthly Sessions provide leadership content and go over previous actions.

Join The Group Chat for moderated conversations to enhance accountability.

Monthly / Quarterly Exection Planning staying accountable to growing the leader and their business.

Elevate Your Leaders

Guide your next-level leaders through 12 essential topics to tackle business challenges and future-proof your team. Invest in their growth to enhance skills, boost retention, and secure long-term success.

Trail Talk

A Blog About Leaders and Leadership

Join the conversation on the trails with Jono. It’s on the trails where the true conversations about life and strategy come out.

The Trail Markers

The Trail Markers are for individuals and businesses alike to discover who they are and unpack what they need to do next.

The Trail Markers are  for individuals and businesses alike to discover who they are and unpack what they need to do next.

The Forged Leader Trail Markers are knowing your purpose, understanding the strategies and tactics needed, getting the right people around you, building robust and effective communication and creating repeatable processes for yourself and others to run with.

Just like on a trail, markers one and two are the most important.  The first trail marker tells us we are at the right trailhead, lays out the overall trail on a map or image and lets us know what to expect (purpose).

The second trail marker we find some way down the trail, a blaze, a sign, a landmark… this gives a second essential marker (strategy) to reinforce we are on the correct trail. Without these two critical markers the rest just does not make sense, and we may not even know if we are on the right trail or what to expect.

Trail markers three (people), four (communication) and five (repeatable processes) are constant reminders that we are on the right trail and should keep going, always checking in with trail markers one and two.